Sinagoga Beit Eliahu
Sinagoga Beit Eliahu
Beit Eliahu Synagogue
The Beit Eliahu Synagogue is a modern construction, inaugurated in 1996, precisely 500 years after the decree that prohibited Judaism in Portugal.
Leaving the castle and following the Calçada Romana (Roman Path), you enter the Jewish quarter, with its Rua Direita. On Rua Fonte da Rosa, you will find the synagogue, on a small promontory overlooking the valley; rectilinear in shape, it is traditionally organised according to gender, with women remaining on the balcony on the upper floor.
The Belmonte community has a resident rabbi, so the Synagogue is quite frequented by practicing Jews, both for weekly ceremonies and for festivities.
Rua da Fonte da Rosa 41, 6250-041 Belmonte
+351 275 912 465 / +351 966 481 479