
Oceans Wall

Science, art and tourism have joined in the appeal for the safeguard of the Oceans, adding a work on the theme to the urban art route in Lisbon.

Several artists have illustrated the wall between Rua Laura Alves and Rua Ivone Silva, with the purpose of drawing the attention of passers-by to the importance of the Oceans, biodiversity, and the protection of marine species, many in danger of extinction. 

The Oceans Wall is an initiative of Zebra Radiante / Crack Kids with the support of Turismo de Portugal, which had as partners the Lisbon Oceanarium, GAU (the Urban Art Gallery of the Lisbon City Hall) and the Curry Cabral Hospital, which provided the "canvas", a 200-meter wall, to the 12 artists.

The species represented can be seen in the Lisbon Oceanarium, such as the moonfish, the seahorse and the ray, and many are well known in Portugal, such as sardines, tuna, swordfish, shark or whale.

Arashida, Brasil - www.instagram.com/arashida
Jaqueline Arashida wanted to represent the species on a path in the open sea. And in the course of the forms, merge, with the vegetation, the geometry of the female body and the ocean lights.

Catarina Glam (Lisbon, Portugal) - www.instagram.com/catarinaglam
Daniela Guerreiro (Faro, Portugal) - www.instagram.com/danielaguerreiro_/
Human activity is one of the main causes of destruction of the ecosystem and species, but the actions of humans can also be part of the solution.

Franky Sticks (Rotterdam, Holanda) - www.instagram.com/frankysticks/
The design is inspired by the saying "Not everything that comes into the net is fish".

Godmess (Porto, Portugal) - www.instagram.com/thegodmess 

Gonçalo Mar (Setúbal, Portugal) / www.instagram.com/goncalomar1

Malibu Ninjas (Almada, Portugal) / www.instagram.com/malibuninjas  

Mariana Malhão (Porto, Portugal) / www.instagram.com/marianamargaridamalhao  

Mariana Rio (Porto, Portugal) / www.instagram.com/amarianario 
Mariana Rio's water scene represents an ecosystem of real, yet reinterpreted, and imaginary species.

Regg (Lisbon, Portugal) - www.instagram.com/regg.salgado  

Styler (France / Portugal) - www.instagram.com/stylerone90

Tiago Galo (Lisbon, Portugal) / www.instagram.com/tiago.galo

Portugal is more ocean than land
In a nation with the third largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the European Union, the Portuguese sea makes up 18 times its land area and is therefore of vital importance to the country.The Portuguese coast is extensive: between the mainland and the islands there are more than 2,800 km of coastline where you can look out over the horizon, a variety of natural conditions and an exceptional climate, providing unforgettable experiences at every moment. 

An ideal country for Surfing
In Portugal, surf is practised all year round - because every day there are good waves for everyone, from beginners to the most experienced. Some say that there is no other coast in the world with so many spots within such a short distance. Highlights include the Ericeira Surfing Reserve, the first in Europe to be classified by the Save the Waves Coalition, where great moments are generated for surfers and bodyboarders, and the "Nazaré Canyon", where the underwater geology allows the formation of giant and perfect waves, already known worldwide and sought after by the bravest surfers.

Marine Natural Parks and Reserves
Enjoying free time by the sea is not only about sport, it is also about beautiful and green landscapes in front of an endless mirror of water and beaches that invite you to rest and relax. The Portuguese Natural Parks with an oceanic component are recognised throughout the world, especially those on the west coast, such as Sintra-Cascais and Arrábida, and to the south, the beautiful Ria Formosa with its labyrinthine canals. These are certified destinations, with great marine attributes, where preservation comes first.

For a Better Planet, a Better Tourism
In this world, tourism must also be guided by sustainable behaviour and do its part in preserving the oceans.

Reducing the use of plastic is a major challenge: 11 million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean every year, affecting more than a million seabirds and thousands of aquatic mammals. And there is an increasing urgency to make use of all fish, an important source of protein, reducing waste. As followers of the Mediterranean Diet, this cause is dear to the Portuguese: with so much coastline and so fertile in fish, the country takes sustainability into account in order to preserve the gastronomy and the health of its ocean.

Every simple gesture counts and in a country as attentive to these issues as Portugal, there is special attention on several fronts, whether in fishing activity or in the preservation of bathing areas, among many others. All of these are fundamental in the protection of the oceans in a country that values its coast so much.

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