


Number of results: 493

  1. Activities
    Ventura do Mar

    Telephone: +351 291 280 033 - 96 339 07 96 / 7
    Fax: +351 291 280 024
    E-mail: venturadomar@iol.pt
    Website: http://www.venturadomar.com

  2. Lazy Flavors
Place: Lisboa
Photo: Lazy Flavors
    Tours and Other Tourism Services
    Lazy Flavors
    AVOID tourist traps and EXPLORE all the flavors of Portugal, some old and traditional, some new and avant-garde, with the insight of local foodies. RELISH unique specialty dishes, the freshest produce and the most authentic recipes. GET TO KNOW the (...)

    Telephone: +351 918 263 437 / 966 070 177
    E-mail: feedme@lazyflavors.com
    Website: http://www.lazyflavors.com

  3. Real Embrace Portugal
Place: Algés
Photo: Real Embrace Portugal
    Tours and Other Tourism Services
    Real Embrace Portugal
    Our mission is to promote the historical and cultural heritage of our country, in a decentralised approach, valuing the dynamics and cultural and historical specificities of each region with quality, by offering diverse and segmented customized (...)

    Telephone: +351 925 076 567
    E-mail: info@real-embrace-portugal.pt
    Website: http://www.real-embrace-portugal.pt

  4. Tours and Other Tourism Services
    Oporto Shore Tours
    Our company provides personalized private tours in modern and comfortable vehicles. Tours can be fixed or customized including cultural and gastronomic activities. Tours can be arranged upon request for groups, operators, agencies, companies and (...)

    Telephone: +351 91 359 44 97
    E-mail: info@oportoshoretours.com
    Website: http://www.oportoshoretours.com

  5. Cape Cruiser - Passeios Marítimos Lda
    Cape Cruiser - Passeios Marítimos Lda
    Cape Cruiser was founded in 2003 and is the oldest tourism company in Sagres, Natural Park. We places at your disposal Dolphins Watching in their natural habitat in a safe and educative manner, Seabirds Watching. Boattrips along the coast, Sports (...)

    Telephone: +351 919 751 175
    Fax: +351 282 624 820
    E-mail: capecruiser@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.capecruiser.org

  6. Paladares e Aventuras Lda
    Paladares e Aventuras Lda

    Telephone: +351 912 322 911
    Fax: +351 268 891 040
    E-mail: geral@paladareseaventuras.com
    Website: http://www.paladareseaventuras.com

  7. Douro Exclusive
Place: Vila Real
Photo: Douro Exclusive
    Tours and Other Tourism Services
    Douro Exclusive
    Douro Exclusive – Experience Guided Tours levam-no numa viatura de luxo climatisada desdea cidade do Porto até ao coração do Vale do Douro proporcionando-lhe uma experiência guiada com paixão. Guias locais e licenciados em turismo, alta cozinha com (...)

    Telephone: +351 916 328 795 / 919 751 617
    E-mail: info@douroexclusive.com; anacarvalho@douroexclusive.com

  8. PORTAexpresso Portugal - SSMB, Lda.
    Tours and Other Tourism Services
    PORTAexpresso Portugal - SSMB, Lda.
    SSMB PORTAexpresso Portugal organizes touristic sightseeing, tours visiting cities, countryside and beaches. These tours are made by helicopter, car, mini-bus, bus and boat. We developed many services which support the tourism area, specially: (...)

    Telephone: +351 - 917 203 096 - 916 607 450
    Fax: +351 265 552 129
    E-mail: portaexpresso@ssmb.pt
    Website: http://www.portaexpresso.pt

  9. Hellotour
Place: Valongo
Photo: Hellotour
    Tours and Other Tourism Services
    Organization of tours:- Visits Douro- Boat in Douro- Various Tours - Tourism Relegioso- Enoturismo- Visits to the wine cellars of Porto

    Telephone: +351 934 101 343
    Fax: +351 223 214 520
    E-mail: tour@hellobus.com.pt
    Website: http://www.hellobus.com.pt

  10. Tours and Other Tourism Services
    Xavelha Velha
    We like to show you the Natural and cultural heritage of the island.  Our team of specialized guides will accompanies you on expeditions to the Laurel Forest and other types of vegetation typical to the Island of Madeira. Our interest is the (...)

    Telephone: +351 961 032 325
    E-mail: info@xavelhavelha.pt
    Website: http://www.xavelhavelha.pt


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