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- All About Portugal
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All About PortugalAccessibility in PortugalWhile planning your trip, you will be able to find information and advice here about access, assistance and accessible transport during your journey and stay in Portugal. Before you travel, we suggest you obtain detailed information about the (...)
All About PortugalAbout PortugalWith its mild climate, 3000 hours of sunshine per year and 850 kms of splendid beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is the perfect holiday destination all year round.This is a country that has the oldest borders in Europe, with an (...)
All About PortugalBy carPortugal has a good road network composed of Motorways (AE), Main Trunk Routes (IP), Complementary Trunk Routes (IC), Main (National) Roads (EN) and Secondary (Municipal) Roads.There are two types of motorways:– the traditional motorways with toll (...)
All About Portugal112 - European Emergency Number112 is the single European emergency telephone number, available throughout the European Union, free of charge.In the event of any emergency, 112 can be connected through fixed and mobile telephones. The call is free and will be answered immediately (...)
All About PortugalTollsPortugal has a good road network made up of motorways (Autoestradas – AE), main routes (Itinerários Principais - IP), complementary roads (Itinerários Complementares - IC), national roads (Estradas nacionais - EN) and municipal roads (Estradas (...)
All About PortugalAccommodationHotel AccommodationThe vast supply of hotel establishments available all around the country provides tourists with accommodation, either with or without the provision of meals and other accessory services, according to the following (...)
All About PortugalDrivingVehicles drive on the right in Portugal. Unless otherwise indicated, vehicles coming from the right have priority in squares and at intersections. At junctions with roundabouts, vehicles already on the roundabout have right of way.Road signs comply (...)
All About PortugalEntry of petsEntry into Portugal of cats and dogs from other EU Member StatesIt is necessary to present a passport issued by a vet who has been accredited by the respective competent authority, which must: - contain indication of the owner’s name and address;- (...)
All About PortugalTax free - VAT ReimbursementVisitors to Portugal who are not resident in any of the European Union member states can be reimbursed for the VAT (Value Added Tax) paid on purchases that they have made in Portugal and are being transported in their personal luggage. Only private (...)
All About PortugalPassports and VisasCitizens of the European Union, Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland only need their identity document to enter Portugal.Minors, in addition to their identity document, must present parental authorisation to travel.For countries (...)