Castelo de Marialva

Castelo de Marialva
The classification for this monument includes the keep and all the walls, gates and existing remains.
The line of walls that encircled the old village is interrupted by two wicket gates and two larger gates - the Porta do Anjo da Guarda and the Porta do Monte, connected by an old stone-paved road.
The line of walls that encircled the old village is interrupted by two wicket gates and two larger gates - the Porta do Anjo da Guarda and the Porta do Monte, connected by an old stone-paved road.
Visites Guidées
Hiver – juin / septembre: 10h00 – 13h30 / 15h00 – 18h30; Été – octobre / mai: 9h00 - 12h30 / 14h00 – 17h30