
Capela de São Frutuoso - Braga

Capela de São Frutuoso - Braga


The Monastery of São Salvador is believed to have been founded by the bishop of Braga São Frutuoso, around 560, so as to house his mausoleum. Around the 9th or 10th century, the current chapel was built.

This is one of the few surviving examples of the pre-Romanic architectural style in Portugal.
The style is exemplified by the chapel´s layout in the shape of a Greek cross (with equally shaped arms), by the interior´s rounded apses and decoration (arcades composed out of three horseshoe shaped arches, twinned double arch openings, Corinthian capitals and the exterior frieze).

In 1523, archbishop of Braga Diogo de Sousa ordered the building of a monastery for the Franciscan Order of Capuchins right by the chapel. When, in 1728, the Monks needed a new convent church, the chapel was taken over with its northern façade destroyed. Late in the 19th century, the chapel was restored to its original structure. Other restoration work was carried out in the 20th century respecting the original as far as is feasible.

Inside the chapel, there is what is believed to be the tomb of Saint Frutuoso. The saint became particularly popular after the Christian Reconquest (12th century) around the time his relics were taken to Santiago de Compostela. Hence, this monument is also known as the Chapel of Saint Frutuoso.

Image by Pedro Lopes/Direnor

São Jerónimo de Real  4700 Braga

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