


N° de résultats: 902

  1. Hotel Príncipe da Beira
    Hotel Príncipe da Beira

    Téléphone: +351 275 779 920
    Fax: +351 275 779 929
    E-mail: geral@hotelprincipedabeira.pt
    Website: http://www.hotelprincipedabeira.pt

  2. Hotel Principe Perfeito
Lieu: Viseu
Photo: Hotel Príncipe Perfeito
    Hotel Principe Perfeito

    Téléphone: +351 232 469 200
    Fax: +351 232 469 210
    E-mail: hotelprincipeperfeito@montebelohotels.com
    Website: http://www.hotelprincipeperfeito.pt

  3. Hôtellerie
    Hotel Promar

    Téléphone: +351 261 984 241
    Fax: +351 21 145 48 22
    E-mail: promar@feriaspromar.com.pt
    Website: http://www.feriaspromar.com.pt

  4. Hôtellerie
    Hotel Quinta da Lagoa

    Téléphone: +351 231 458 688
    Fax: +351 231 458 180
    E-mail: hotelquintadalagoa@sapo.pt
    Website: http://www.hotelquintadalagoa.pt

  5. Hôtellerie
    Hotel Quinta das Lágrimas
    Nature, charm, history, elegance, experiences.... this is the essence of Quinta das Lágrimas (Estate of Tears), a hotel with soul and character, a retreat of comfort that honors Portugal's rich traditions of hospitality and gastronomy. For centuries (...)

    Téléphone: +351 239 802 380
    Fax: +351 239 441 695
    E-mail: comercial@quintadaslagrimas.pt; reservas@quintadaslagrimas.pt
    Website: http://www.quintadaslagrimas.pt

  6. Hôtellerie
    Hotel Quinta dos Cedros

    Téléphone: +351 271 749 000
    E-mail: hotelqtacedros@tavfer.com
    Website: https://tavferhoteis.pt/

  7. Hôtellerie
    Hotel Quinta do Viso

    Téléphone: +351 239 530 400
    Fax: +351 239 530 409
    E-mail: estalagem@quintadoviso.com
    Website: http://www.quintadoviso.com/

  8. Best Western Hotel Rainha D. Amélia
Photo: Best Western Hotel Rainha D. Amélia
    Hotel Rainha D. Amélia
    The Best Western Rainha D. Amélia is situated in the centre of Castelo Branco, in the heart of the most important commercial area and just a few steps from the historic town centre. The elegant decoration of our hotel provides a sophisticated (...)

    Téléphone: +351 272 348 800
    Fax: +351 272 348 808
    E-mail: geral@hotelrainhadamelia.pt;reservas@hotelrainhadamelia.pt
    Website: http://www.bestwesternrainhadamelia.com

  9. Hôtellerie
    Hotel Rainha Santa

    Téléphone: +351 244 612 352; 91 215 95 10
    E-mail: hotel@rainha-santa.com

  10. Hôtellerie
    Hotel Rainha Santa Isabel

    Téléphone: +351 262 959 323
    Fax: +351 262 959 115
    E-mail: arsio@mail.telepac.pt
    Website: http://www.obidoshotel.pt


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