
Restaurants und Cafés


Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 2498

  1. Adega Monhé
    Restaurants und Cafés
    Adega Monhé

    Telefon: +351 256 375 412

  2. Restaurants und Cafés
    A Virgilinda

    Telefon: +351 21 223 14 10

  3. Restaurante Varanda Real - Best Western Hotel Rainha D. Amélia
    Restaurants und Cafés
    Restaurante "Varanda Real" - Best Western Hotel Rainha D. Amélia
    The menu at the elegantly decorated Varanda Real restaurant offers a wide range of regional dishes. These include roast kid, maranho, bucho from Sertã, cured meats and sausages and excellent cheeses. The restaurant also serves a range of selected (...)

    Telefon: +351 272 348 800
    Fax: +351 272 348 809
    E-mail: geral@hotelrainhadamelia.pt
    Website: http://www.bestwesternrainhadamelia.com

  4. Restaurants und Cafés
    Adega S. Nicolau

    Telefon: +351 222 008 232

  5. Restaurants und Cafés
    Restaurante da Pousada de Nossa Senhora das Neves

    Telefon: +351 271 574 283
    Fax: +351 271 574 320
    E-mail: hotelfortalezadealmeida@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.hotelparadordealmeida.com

  6. Restaurants und Cafés
    O Mercantelzinho

    Telefon: +351 234 382 530

  7. Restaurants und Cafés
    Forno do Minho

    Telefon: +351 251 783 226
    E-mail: fornodominho@sapo.pt
    Website: http://www.fornodominho.web.pt

  8. Restaurants und Cafés
    O Carrossel

    Telefon: +351 233 431 457
    E-mail: restaurantecarrossel@gmail.com

  9. O Manjerico
    Restaurants und Cafés
    O Manjerico

    Telefon: +351 291 822 897

  10. Restaurants und Cafés
    Caves do Guadiana

    Telefon: +351 281 544 498


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