
Restaurants und Cafés


Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 2497

  1. Restaurants und Cafés

    Telefon: +351 289 320 700
    Fax: +351 289 320 702
    E-mail: info@thelakeresort.com
    Website: http://www.thelakeresort.com

  2. Restaurants und Cafés
    Cêpa Torta
    Cristina Canelas and Rui PAula welcome you to Restaurante Cepa Torta.A new place for all those who are keen on good cuisine.It is located in Alijó, the region of the vineyards where the famous Vinho do Porto is produced.It is a very beautiful region (...)

    Telefon: +351 259 950 177

  3. Restaurants und Cafés
    Cais da Ferradosa

    Telefon: +351 254 488 011
    E-mail: caisdaferradosa2013@gmail.com

  4. O Terraço
    Restaurants und Cafés
    O Terraço

    Telefon: +351 282 240 200
    Fax: +351 282 240 260
    E-mail: info@martinhal.com
    Website: http://www.martinhal.com

  5. Restaurants und Cafés
    Restaurante Claro

    Telefon: +351 21 441 42 31
    Fax: +351 214 468 399
    E-mail: restaurante@restauranteclaro.com
    Website: http://www.restauranteclaro.com

  6. Restaurants und Cafés
    Bica Velha

    Telefon: +351 289 463 376
    Fax: +351 289 463 376
    E-mail: jmena.bicavelha@clix.pt

  7. Restaurants und Cafés
    A Traineira

    Telefon: +351 296 912 500
    Fax: +351 296 965 888

  8. Restaurants und Cafés
    Borda d'Água

    Telefon: +351 296 912 114
    E-mail: arruda.oliveira@sapo.pt

  9. Restaurants und Cafés
    A Pegacha

    Telefon: +351 241 833 242

  10. Restaurants und Cafés

    Telefon: +351 244 891 655
    Fax: +351 244 892 457


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