While planning your trip, you will be able to find information and advice here about access, assistance and accessible transport during your journey and stay in Portugal. Before you travel, we suggest you obtain detailed information about the services you will be using.ACCOMODATIONIn Portugal, you will find a range of accommodation with adapted rooms for people with special needs and some properties also offer fully adapted services and accommodation. However, it would be advisable to contact the establishment directly to obtain information about the facilities available. On the website, the indication “Accessible” is given in the Characteristics and Services section of properties that are accessible to people with reduced mobility.MEANS OF TRANSPORTPublic TransportPublic transport vehicles usually have reserved spaces for people with special needs although not all may be accessible to wheelchair users.In Lisbon, Carris provides a Reduced Mobility Service on its Regular Public Service routes. Most of the buses are fitted with low floors between the entrance and exit doors, and about half are fully accessible to passengers with reduced mobility, offering space for a wheelchair, backrests and an access ramp. More information can be found at Oporto, the transport operator STCP has a fleet of accessible urban buses and offers buses fitted with a ramp and a reserved space for wheelchairs. All have a low floor and allow a baby buggy to travel without being folded. More information can be found at and Oporto MetrosThe Lisbon Metro has stations that are fully accessible to passengers with reduced mobility. Blind passengers may travel with their guide dogs as long as the animal is wearing a collar and muzzle. Contacts: Tel. + 351 213 500 115 / / www.metrolisboa.ptThe Oporto Metro is fully accessible to people with reduced mobility.Contacts: Tel. +351 225 081 000 / / www.metrodoporto.ptAirportsAll Portuguese airports offer toilet facilities and transfers for people with special needs. Additionally, a personalised assistance service called MyWay can be provided on request for passengers with reduced mobility. This service includes mechanical means to aid mobility, escalators and moving walkways, lifts and adequate signage and guidance, as well as staff who are qualified for the purpose and who will ensure that full assistance is provided.More information can be found at www.ana.ptBoatsTranstejo and Soflusa, which operate the boats across the River Tagus between Lisbon and the south bank, offer some vessels with facilities for people with special needs. For more information: / +351 808 20 30 50.TrainsThe Portuguese Train Service, the CP-Comboios de Portugal, offers a centralised Integrated Mobility Service (SIM - Serviço Integrado de Mobilidade), accessed by telephone (+351) 808 100 746 (808 100 SIM), which is available 24 hours a day for 365 days a year, for both information and services. This service will enable passengers with special requirements to get information on accessibility on trains and at stations, assistance for embarking, during the journey and disembarking, among other services. For more information, go to www.cp.ptFertagus, which serves the Greater Lisbon area, has carriages suitable for use by wheelchair passengers. At most railway stations, platforms can be accessed by lift and/or ramps. Contact: Tel. +351 211 066 363 / / adapted for use by passengers with reduced mobility operate in a number of Portuguese cities, including Lisbon, Faro and Oporto. The new taxis adapted to carry passengers with reduced mobility are fitted with boarding platforms, adapted seatbelts, devices to secure wheelchairs and a door with a wider opening angle. They can be found at airport taxi ranks or on request by telephoning the relevant dispatcher. Contacts can be found at Portugal, the driving regulations for disabled persons relate solely to their physical and mental fitness and may result in restrictions or adaptations that must be mentioned in the driving licence.Disabled persons with a driving licence that is valid in Portugal may drive vehicles provided that they comply with the restrictions or adaptations relating to their situation.Parking cards for people with disabilities, based on the standardised Community model and issued by any of the Member States, are recognised in Portugal. The spaces reserved for this purpose are clearly signposted. Parking is permitted in other places, in situations of absolute necessity, provided that this is only for short periods of time and does not interfere with the normal and free circulation of pedestrians and vehicles.ACCESSIBLE BEACHES244 bathing zones – maritime and river beaches – are accessible for persons with restricted mobility. These beaches are identified with a white flag, including the respective symbol, and have reserved parking areas, pedestrian access, beach walkways and adapted toilet facilities. Several beaches also have equipment items that facilitate access to the sea, thus enabling persons with restricted mobility to go swimming, although assistance of another person is always required.TUR4ALLTo help you organize your trip better, in addition to the suggestions you will find on Accessible Tourism you can check for services with a specialized offering in terms of accessibility issues at platform "Tur4all" has been developed to promote Accessible Tourism for Everyone; it provides information on accessibility in tourist resources in Portugal.For more information please contact: