

Ovos Moles de Aveiro
Ovos Moles de Aveiro

Ovos Moles de Aveiro
Ovos Moles de Aveiro
Green wine
Green wine
Photo: Grupo Lagrimas
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Place: Marialva
Photo: YvesCallewaert_visitportugal
Slow Travel in Portugal

Go, wander, get lostPortugal is a perfect destination all year round.

Photo: ©Joonas_VisitMadeira
Time to taste Portugal

Enjoy Portugal’s specialties with the localsWhen visiting Portugal, you can appreciate an extensive diversity of delicacies, wines, and local beverages, that please all palates.

Clams in a cataplana
Place: Algarve
Photo: Mário Cerdeira
The Cuisine of the Algarve

The very freshest fish and seafood come from the sea, and are the main ingredients in the Algarve cuisine.

Rio Douro
Place: Porto
Photo: Turismo de Portugal
Port and Douro Wine Route

In the grandiose amphitheatre of the Douro Valley, classified World Heritage, man gave birth to Port wine and table wines of great quality. Port wine is the oldest ambassador for Portugal.


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