Castro Marim

Castro Marim
Towns and Villages
On the top of one hill stands a castle, on the other a star-shaped fort. Between them the houses of Castro Marim, with their white walls with brightly-painted borders, their flat roofs and their ornate chimneys sculpted into lace-like patterns. Linking the church, the castle and the fort, the streets of Castro Marim are lined with houses whose simplicity is typical of the architecture of the Algarve. White predominates, broken here and there by ochres and luminous blues.
Looking out from Castro Marim castle you have the sea on one side and on the other the rounded shape hills as far as one can see. These are the uplands challenging those who like bird-watching, to walk or to cycle, and who appreciate the charming of the natural world.
Looking out from Castro Marim castle you have the sea on one side and on the other the rounded shape hills as far as one can see. These are the uplands challenging those who like bird-watching, to walk or to cycle, and who appreciate the charming of the natural world.