
Aveiro - On the left bank of the Canal Central

Aveiro - Na margem esquerda do Canal Central
Aveiro - On the left bank of the Canal Central


In Rua João Mendonça, by the Canal Central, there are three buildings with interesting Art Nouveau façades. Along this canal, which was once the city´s main trading artery, there now glide the brightly-coloured prows of the moliceiros, to the great delight of tourists.

In the angle formed by the Canal Central and the Canal das Pirâmides is the Rossio, a spacious garden area, lined with palm-trees and vaguely reminiscent of the Eastern Mediterranean, with occasional Art Nouveau details.
At the intersection with the Canal de São Roque, pass along the Cais das Falcoeiras and continue on to the Cais dos Mercantéis, strolling through the picturesque fishermen´s quarter.
Preferably, you should take this walk in the early morning when the fish market is busily and colourfully alive with people selling the fish caught during the night. In this area, you can also visit the capela de S. Gonçalinho, a small 18th-century chapel dedicated to this match-making saint, to whom, each year, the city´s inhabitants devote one of their liveliest festivals.

Returning to the Canal Central, you have two choices: you can either cross the canal over the elegant Ponte dos Arcos to the Right Bank, or walk up Avenida Dr. Lourenço Peixinho.
If you take the latter choice, make sure to visit the railway station at the top of the avenue, a beautiful building covered with panels of azulejos depicting regional motifs. We also recommend a visit to the Igreja do Carmo (in the street with the same name) and the chapels of Nossa Senhora da Alegria and Senhor das Barrocas, one of the most interesting monuments in Aveiro, which can be reached along Rua Luís de Carvalho.

Images: Courtesy of Miguel Lacerda

Aveiro - On the left bank of the Canal Central
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